[:en]Culture[:fr]Page culturelle[:fi]Kulttuuri[:]


The sense of identity, equalitarianism and self-sufficiency that Finnish immigrants brought to Canada was influenced by Finland’s history, geographical location and culture. As a first language, Finnish was spoken and sometimes Swedish. However, the Finnish language dominated. When Finns began arriving in North America they generally only communicated with other Finns primarily through their newspapers, music, drama, dances, sports clubs, congregations, temperance societies and other activities. Every Finnish community in Canada, no matter how small, built a hall to host activities that inevitably became known as a “Finn Hall”.

By 1905, Finn halls could be found in both Fort William and Port Arthur. Inevitably, these converted buildings proved unsuitable for cultural needs of the Finnish community.  By 1910, through the combined efforts of the Finnish-American Workers’ League Imatra #9 and the Finnish New Attempt Temperance Society, Finns at the Lakehead completed construction of the largest Finnish hall in Canada, the Finnish Labour Temple at 314 Bay Street in Port Arthur. The new building was designed to serve the needs of the Finnish community and featured offices, a library, a reading room and an auditorium for meetings, dances, theatrical productions and sporting events. The building later became known as the “Big Finn Hall” while the adjacent hall controlled by the Communist Party of Canada was known as the “Little Finn Hall”. The two halls were the focal points for the activities of Finnish workers and provided a centre for Finnish language and culture to thrive.


The sense of identity, equalitarianism and self-sufficiency that Finnish immigrants brought to Canada was influenced by Finland’s history, geographical location and culture. As a first language, Finnish was spoken and sometimes Swedish. However, the Finnish language dominated. When Finns began arriving in North America they generally only communicated with other Finns primarily through their newspapers, music, drama, dances, sports clubs, congregations, temperance societies and other activities. Every Finnish community in Canada, no matter how small, built a hall to host activities that inevitably became known as a “Finn Hall”.

By 1905, Finn halls could be found in both Fort William and Port Arthur. Inevitably, these converted buildings proved unsuitable for cultural needs of the Finnish community.  By 1910, through the combined efforts of the Finnish-American Workers’ League Imatra #9 and the Finnish New Attempt Temperance Society, Finns at the Lakehead completed construction of the largest Finnish hall in Canada, the Finnish Labour Temple at 314 Bay Street in Port Arthur. The new building was designed to serve the needs of the Finnish community and featured offices, a library, a reading room and an auditorium for meetings, dances, theatrical productions and sporting events. The building later became known as the “Big Finn Hall” while the adjacent hall controlled by the Communist Party of Canada was known as the “Little Finn Hall”. The two halls were the focal points for the activities of Finnish workers and provided a centre for Finnish language and culture to thrive.


Suomen maahanmuuttajien Kanadaan tuoma tunne-identiteetti, egalitarismi ja omavaraisuus olivat saaneet vaikutteita Suomen historiasta, maantieteellisestä sijainnista ja kulttuurista. Suomea puhuttiin ensisijaisesti, toisinaan myös ruotsia, suomen kielen ollessa kuitenkin hallitsevampi. Kun suomalaiset alkoivat saapua Pohjois-Amerikkaan, he kommunikoivat yleensä vain muiden suomalaisten kanssa, ensisijaisesti sanomalehtien, musiikin, draaman, tanssin, urheiluseurojen, seurakuntien, raittiusseurojen ja muun toiminnan kautta. Jokainen suomalainen yhteisö Kanadassa, huolimatta yhteisön pienuudesta, rakensi salin toiminnan järjestämistä varten, jota alettiin vääjäämättä kutsua nimellä ”Finn Hall”.

Vuoteen 1905 mennessä ”Finn Hall” -saleja löytyi sekä Fort Williamista että Port Arthurista. Väistämättä nämä muunnetut rakennukset osoittautuivat kuitenkin soveltumattomaksi suomalaisen yhteisön kulttuurin tarpeisiin. Vuoteen 1910 mennessä amerikansuomalainen työväenliitto Imatra #9 ja suomalainen raittiusseura Uusi Yritys ponnistelivat yhdessä valmiiksi Kanadan suurimman Finn Hall -rakennuksen, Suomalaisen Työntemppelin osoitteeseen 314 Bay-katu Port Arthurissa. Uusi rakennus suunniteltiin palvelemaan suomalaisen yhteisön tarpeita, sisältäen toimistoja, kirjaston, lukusalin sekä auditorion kokouksia, tansseja, teatteriproduktioita ja urheilutapahtumia varten. Rakennus myöhemmin tuli tunnetuksi nimellä “Big Finn Hall”, kun taas viereinen Kanadan kommunistipuolueen omistama sali tunnettiin nimellä “Little Finn Hall”. Nämä kaksi salia olivat suomalaisten työntekijöiden toiminnan keskukset, tarjoten keskipisteen suomen kielen ja kulttuurin kukoistukselle.
